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Flag Raising Ceremony, which is the Flag of Fighting Peacock .

"BURMA FLAG DAY" on Sept 25th in the City of Buffalo, New York that was the resolution unanimously adopted at the regular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Buffalo, held on Tuesday, September 21, 2010.

That this Common Council of the City of Buffalo does hereby supports Democracy in Burma and the raising of the flag of Burma, which is the Flag of Fighting Peacock, in front of City Hall; and that this Honorable Body also acknowledges the continued fight for freedom and democracy in Burma by declaring Saturday, September 25, 2010, as "BURMA FLAG DAY" in the City of Buffalo.

The flag of the fighting peacock is important to all people of Burmese descent who continue to fight for democracy and freedom for their homeland; and

Today, the flag of the fighting peacock is also associated with democratic struggle against dictatorship in the country of Burma; and

Raising the Burma flag pays is a symbolic way to show respect for those who sacrificed their lives while fighting for the Country's Independence and the democracy movement in Burma; and

September is a significant month for the people of Burma:

the National League for Democracy was founded on September 27, 1988;

the military Junta seized power on September 18, 1988;

and the third anniversary of the Saffron Revolution of 2007, which was cracked down upon on September 26, 2007;and

on Saturday, September 25, 2010, there will be a Flag raising Ceremony in front of Buffalo City Hall, featuring the fighting peacock flag of Burma, to pay tribute to the people of Burma and their ongoing struggle for freedom.

That this Common Council of the City of Buffalo does hereby supports Democracy in Burma and the raising of the flag of Burma in front of City Hall; and

That this Honorable Body also acknowledges the continued fight for freedom and democracy in Burma by declaring Saturday, September 25, 2010, as "BURMA FLAG DAY" in the City of Buffalo, New York.



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