The Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) has learnt that the regime released 43 Political Prisoners today even the regime announced of 7114 prisoners released; "The government terminated the prison terms of 7,114 prisoners for their good conduct and discipline in consideration of their families, and released them from the respective jails on 17 September 2009 to enable them to serve the interests of the regions, their own and the State after realizing the government's compassion and goodwill."
The list of political prisoners released will be updated as AAPP receives more information.
1. Ma Eik Khaing Oo (Insein)
2. U Tin Mya (Insein)
3. Ko Nyi Nyi Min (Butheetaung)
4. Ko Kyaw Kyaw Thant (Insein)
5. Monywar Aung Shin (a) U Aye Kyu (Insein)
6. U Nine Nine (Insein)
7. Ma Tin Tin Myint (Insein)
8. Ma Than Than Htay (Insein)
9. Ma Than Than Sint (Mandalay)
10. Ma Thin Min Soe (Insein)
11. Ma Kyi Kyi Min (Insein)
12. Ko Zaw Htut Aung (Kale)
13. U Tin Myo Htut (a) Kyaw Oo (Insein)
14. U Win Myint (Insein)
15. U Kyaw Maung (Myintkyina)
16. U Nay Win (Myintkyina)
17. U Kyi Lin (Myintkyina)
18. U Soe Wai (a) Than Zaw (Myintkyina)
19. Shin Sandaw Batha (Insein)
20. Ko Aung Gyi (Insein)
21. Daw Mi Mi Sein (Insein)
22. U Win Htein (Kathar)
23. U Soe Han( Lashio)
24. U Bo Gyi (Pegu)
25. Daw Khin Khin Lay (Pegu)
26. U Pe Tin (Pegu)
27. U Tin Myint (
28. Daw Zin Mar Htwe (Moulmein)
29. Ko Moe Hlaing (Moulmein)
30. Ko Moe Lwin (Moulmein)
31. Ko Myo Min Lwin (Moulmein)
32. Ma Htay (a) San San Myint (Insein)
33. Ko Thet Oo (Taungoo)
34. U Pannita (a) Myint Aye (Taungoo)
35. Ko Zaw Tun (Taungoo)
36. Ko Bo Bo (Myingyan)
37. Ma Sanda (Myingyan)
38. Ko Pyait Phyo Aung (Pa-Ai)
39. Ko Wunna Soe (Pa-Ai)
40. U Ba Chit (Tharawaddy)
41. Ko Aye Min Min (Tharawaddy)
42. Ko Tin Tun (Tharawaddy)
43. Ko Shwe Thar (Tharawaddy)
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Posted by
Burma Campaign Japan

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