Famous Ali-Barber of Burma and future Prime Minister hopeful U Aung Thaung is touring around in Mandalay Division, canvassing for coming election and using the money stolen from tax payers and State coffer. Part of his tour included of opening government schools built by tax payer’s money but he is boasting in front of people as it was built by him. He is giving a speech as how the Burma education was among the best in the world and all people even stay in the remote corner of the country can enjoy the advantage of world best education system provided by Junta.
It is a laughing stock for people who know exactly of how he is really providing the education system to his own family member. His grandchild born by his son and General Maung Aye’s daughter just reach the age of nursery education level and he hires the nursery school teacher from Philippine, paying US$ 2000 per month with lodging and food provided. It is shame for thousand and thousand of Burmese teachers. Are they not qualified? Education Minister Dr. Chan Nyein sir, do you dare to give any comment?
Nay Aung, son of U Aung Thaung, is investing more than US$ 10 millions for establishing an international school in Rangoon not very far in the area of Sedona Hotel. That school will be running by foreigners, curriculum is totally drawn by foreigner and fees will be paid in foreign currency. That school is exclusively for those, who are not having the competence in Junta’s education. U Aung Thaung is giving a speech mentioning that Burmese Education is world class and best but his family is doing contrary.
U Aung Thaung is not alone in the group of “do as I say but not as I do.” Lt. Gen. Ko Ko is giving speech at opening ceremony of new school that how good of Burmese education system Junta is providing to people but his son is attending the International School Yangon (ISY). That school is providing the American system education and run by American group. Only the very rich people can afford to spend almost US$20000/- annual fees per student in ISY. Most of the foreign curriculum schools such as ILBC, YIEC, PIEC, MNL, RV, etc., etc., run mostly by foreign teachers, pay in foreign currency and teach everything as in foreign country are only can afford to attend by one kind of class. Children and grandchildren of Generals and associates are can afford and attending such kind of schools. They are happy for inferior category of Burmese education system as in future, they will be above of Burmese school graduates. Generals send their children to superior level foreign school but at the same time, downgrading education system for majority of Burmese people is systematically destroying the generation by generation of young Burmese people future.
Also country’s number one U Than Shwe send his grandson to study at ISY too. His name is Kyaw Kyaw and he is 15 years old son of Tun Naing Shwe, U Than Shwe second son.
Minister for Education Dr. Chan Nyein is exactly a shameless thick skin in this subject. Of course, if he knows of how is the dignity and feeling of embarrassment, he could already end up in the middle of the Rangoon River with tying to the heavy stone and jump over into water. Why your respectful generals children are not allowed to participate in your international standard Burmese education system? Pity them that they all have to spend too much foreign currency (US$) for their education.
(Reported by Insider).
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Burma Campaign Japan

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